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DISC - Identify Behavioral Styles

Our most popular assessment.

Our most popular assessment and the world’s #1 behavioral profiling tool. A person’s behavior is often the strongest predictor of fit; whether that is within a specific job, as a member of a team, or as the leader of an organization. Learn to identify the behavioral styles of others and adapt your communication to increase sales, develop “rockstar” leaders, and more.
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Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) - Identify Emotional IQ Styles

A key ability for effective leadership.

The Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) assessment helps identify how to recognize emotions in yourself and others, a key ability of effective leadership. The good news: EIQ can be improved and coached up over time, making it an excellent self-improvement assessment.
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*EIQ and DISC can be combined into a single, highly effective report.

Motivators - Identify Motivational Styles

DISC and Motivators are a powerful combination.

The perfect companion assessment to pair with DISC, Motivators measures the seven universal dimensions of motivation that drive each of us: Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Power, Altruistic, Regulatory, and Theoretical. If you’re only using DISC, you’re only scratching the surface of what assessments can offer individuals and organizations.
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*Motivators and DISC can be combined into a single, highly effective report.


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These are 5 Disciplines for Exponential Growth that every business must be correct. Learn how your executive team, your Departments, and your organization sees performance in each of the 5 discipline there are 10 questions focused on proven actions of successful organizations and their teams. The 5 Disciplines Assessment (5DA) helps you identify your strengths, areas to improve and where to prioritize critical actions to helps your business growth exponentially.
The survey takes under 15 minutes to complete. Responses are compiled into one teamwide or organizational wide performance Report.

Responses are segmentable by gender, tenure, role and level of customer interaction.
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There are 50 Questions in the 5DA. 10 for each of the disciplines.

Rating Consist of Absolutely, Mostly, Sometimes, Rarely, Never, and I Don’t Know
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The 5DA report features multiple data analysis on teamwide or organization wide performance.
  • Gender – Male, Female, or Other
  • Tenure – Less than 1 Year, 1 to 5 Years, or Greater than 10 Years
  • Level of Customer interaction – Direct or Indirect
  • Role – Management or Non-Management
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The 5DA report features multiple data analysis on teamwide or organization wide performance.
  • See Overall scores by Discipline, summary of responses by question, summary by Discipline and gender
  • Performance Strengths & Concerns — Strengths & Concerns – highlights positive (above 80%) and negative (below 50%) statement ideal responses.
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Data trumps hunches and prevents bias from corrupting important decisions. Throughout the latter half of the 20th Century, Fortune 500s relied on behavioral & cognitive assessments to inform all aspects of their personnel decisions— from an employee’s initial selection and training to their team role and eventual promotion. These paper based assessments had to be individually calculated by a highly trained professional, making them too expensive for most organizations to afford. However with the advancement of new computer technologies and algorithms, the cost of such assessments has dropped measurably, leveling the playing feld for businesses of all sizes.

Improve Hiring & Selection

The right person in the right job is priceless. The wrong one is a nightmare waiting to happen. Accurately identify job applicants BEFORE the interview, make scientifcally informed judgments and build an organization of A+ employees.



Increase Sales

Teach your sales team powerful behavior profling skills. Empower them to identify— to your organization’s advantage— observable behaviors, then adapt their selling style to ft the customer’s buying style.



Improve Customer Service

Know in advance that your people believe in your organization and care about your customers. Better equip and train your customer support team with the invaluable communication and behavior profling skills that pay countless dividends.



Increase Productivity

Identify with scientifc accuracy the strengths and shortcomings of each employee. Create observable action plans, from the data, that maximizes your organization’s talent.



Reduce Employee Turnover

Ensure the best possible positional job “ft” for each new hire. Great ft means stronger retention rates, which lowers the costs associated with turnover.



Customize Employee Training

One size fits ONE, not all. Learn how each person learns best and get them back to productivity sooner.



Model Team Building

Know who fits with whom in advance. Create your teams based on compatible skills and traits, not just generic ideas of balance. Top-level teams are comprised of behaviorally compatible members with an optimal array of complimenting profciencies.



The Seven Universal Dimensions

The perfect companion assessment to pair with DISC, Motivators measures Dr. Eduard Spranger and Gordon Allport’s “Seven Universal Dimensions of Motivation” that exist within each of us. Whereas DISC describes HOW someone will behave, Motivators reveals WHY. Being able to measure and understand both the HOW and WHY of human behavior is vital to build top-performing teams, optimize employee performance, inform hiring & selection decisions, resolve values-based sources of collaborative dysfunction, and develop self-aware leaders.

Greater Detail = Greater Insights

Our Motivators assessment measures seven dimensions, rather than the standard six. This provides users with a much more detailed analysis by addressing the important nuances between the Power and Individualistic dimensions. Additionally, our reporting includes an invaluable ranking column that measures both the IMPORTANCE and IMPACT for each Motivator.

Intuitive & Easy-to-Use

Our 18-page reports are straightforward and easy-to-use. This report does all the hard work for you by presenting its findings clearly and using layperson terminology.
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Explore General Traits

The report provides a detailed analysis of the General Traits associated with each user’s unique scores.

Identify Key Strengths

The report presents an analysis of each user’s Key Strengths, applicable to a variety of workplace and interpersonal settings.

DISC’s Perfect Complement Assessment

Today’s DISC users require a motivational assessment to reveal the WHY of our behaviors. Used together they increase the efficacy of job placement, team-building, professional growth and more!

Motivational & Training Insights

The report provides tailored Motivational & Training recommendations for optimizing workplace performance while simultaneously maximizing personal fulfillment.

Self Improvement Insights

The report presents users with prescriptive recommendations for personal and professional growth.

Norms & Population Scores

The report’s bar graph highlights both the “situational nature” of your answers AND the average range scores of the general population.


How Do Others See You?

What if you could have an enhanced 360o view of the world? In other words, imagine having the ability to process the collective perceptions of how others see you. Often times, the way we perceive ourselves and the way others perceive us are two very different things. Managers and business leaders often persist in communication and organizational practices believing everyone recognizes their “obvious” intentions, overlooking costly misinterpretations that stem from different behavioral styles. Those challenges have often been unfortunate workplace inefficiencies that were difficult to resolve— until now! Our DISC 360º, Communication Styles and Platinum Rule assessments offer what we term 360o Reports, which pull “observer data” from a user’s colleagues and employees providing that user an informed “self-audit” to eliminate workplace miscommunication and improve client relationships.
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This award-winning skills test measures each professional’s understanding of the sales strategies required to successfully win, retain and grow clients. With 48 questions selected at random, from a pool of over 100, Sales IQ Plus is never the same test twice! Re-administer it to continually identify and track the strengths, struggles and blindspots within any organization’s sales team. Jointly developed by best-selling sales authorities, Jeffrey Gitomer (The Sales Bible), Jim Cathcart (Relationship Selling) and Dr. Tony Alessandra (The Platinum Rule for DISC Sales Mastery), Sales IQ Plus plays an integral role in the sales training successes of organizations around the world.
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Hiring & Selection Done Right

Identify the right person, for the right job, the first time.

The traditional hiring process is typically focused on Skills, Experience, and References. But wouldn’t you like to know if a candidate is a fit for your company culture? Or that their soft skills meet your requirements?

Dive deeper with HireSense BEFORE the interview process begins, get the details hiding below the surface, and make more informed hiring decisions.

Finding the right talent is hard. HireSense makes it easier.

Using HireSense saves money and time. Selecting the ideal candidate is more efficient, less time-consuming, and without bias.

A hiring process backed by science, not your gut.

HireSense deploys a combination of 3 statistically validated assessments to discover deeper insights about each candidate.

Find a great hire in just a few simple steps.

We’ll start with an initial consultation to identify the ideal candidate for your position.

We create benchmarks and alert criteria to streamline finding the top matches for the position.

We present you with key insights on the leading candidates.

We assist you in making a great hiring decision based on ALL the data.
We’ll start with an initial consultation to identify the ideal candidate for your position.

We create benchmarks and alert criteria to streamline finding the top matches for the position.

We present you with key insights on the leading candidates.

We assist you in making a great hiring decision based on ALL the data.
HireSense has proven extremely effective with hiring and selection decisions for many organizations. HireSense puts the data to work, finding the right person for your needs quickly and efficiently. Whether you are part of a Human Resources Department, a Business Coach, or a Consultant, we can help you achieve your hiring goals.

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